August 29, 2011

“In 2012 the Liberty Bell will sound ‘Dagon has fallen.’”

“In 2012 the Liberty Bell will sound ‘Dagon has fallen.’ In 2012 the Liberty Bell will sound ‘Dagon has fallen.’

“I will put my Spirit on the leader I choose who humbles himself before Me. Even if the youth show up at the polls, which they will not because they are distracted running after this and that, Dagon cannot be erected.

“What did Dagon lose? Yes, a head and even arms so he is powerless. I speak figuratively, not literally, so know I’m talking about power. I will render Dagon powerless.

“The youth who loved Dagon will be distracted and forget about Dagon running here and there. They have lost their Dagon but have each other. The adults who loved Dagon will cry and be angry. Their Dagon has fallen and can do no more.

“This is how I shake, so out of the rumbling my people will be made manifest. My people have been in caves and shadows and dark closets praying, praying, praying. No one sees them. They have been hidden for this time. Oh, I will be shaking even my church and those who have been last will be first. Watch the shackles come off! Watch your religious robes tear and split and fall off so you can run, run, run in my Spirit and my glory can arise. David didn’t wear much when he killed Goliath. He didn’t wear much when He danced for me. David became a king in a cave. A king in a cave. I have many kings and queens in caves and shadows and dark closets praying, praying, praying. They are about to spread their wings like Monarch butterflies and fly, fly, fly! Such glorious wings with splendid colors and brilliance and power! Watch the true power arise!

“Peace, peace, I give you. Not as the world tempts do I give to you. Your rest is coming. You will not have to hide in caves and shadows and dark closets. You will be in my light and see great and mighty wonders because I answer you.”