October 21, 2014

Bye Bye Bears & Low Interest Rates

I haven’t been invested in or trading the market in a long time, thus the lack of posts on this subject.  My apologies, I have been enjoying my life and the Lord in the meantime.  And I have been focused on my business and personal relationships, both of which have been flourishing.  God is, of course, wonderful.

And to further explain my long hiatus, I don’t feel inclined to post prophecies unless there is a leading in my spirit to do so and share.  I am posting to make them plain, written down, to the princes of this earth and machinations of this world with which we contend and should overcome since we are to be overcomers as God’s sons.  Out of the mouth comes life and death, truth and lies.  I hope to speak unseen truth and by speaking it forth and, often times, writing it down as well, effect and/or give my faith-filled support to change on this earth.  If no one hears, those words still go forth.  I believe speaking forth Rhema words we hear from the Lord is the responsibility of every single Christian.  You may speak forth in prayer time, or in your journal.  When we speak forth, we are standing on the creation effected by those words.  Those words give us a solid platform like a robust raft on a rocky ocean.  We declare what is not yet seen but will be because we have seen it spiritually and speak it out.  That is faith that pleases God, in my opinion.  When we are silent, the lies of this world sound too loudly like cacophonous, violent waves.  When Christians speak, our words cover the raucous and stormy waves of the “world’s speak” with our deep waters.  “Peace, be still!”

A girlfriend, a very strong and prophetic Christian, was visiting me Oct 8-13.  She trades for a living and was concerned about her positions as she had sold weekly puts on some stocks.  On that weekend of Oct 11, I immediately felt in the spirit, “2 days,” and told her right then as I heard it in my spirit. I told her I sensed this was a strong and fairly normal correction but not a market meltdown.  I also said I was anticipating a V-shaped recovery from the correction.  I also said 2 days may not be exact, but the market would likely rebound after 2 days.  Finally, I gave a caveat and told her I had not prayed about the market or stocks in a very long time, so I could be wrong.  That all said, the “two days” gave her peace.  Although the stock got put to her on Monday Oct 13, they were strong stocks she didn’t mind holding in her portfolio and could write calls against.  She continued to feel peace with the words “two days” even after she owned the stocks.  The market dipped strongly on day 1, Monday Oct 13, and less so on day 2, Tuesday Oct 14.  Wed Oct 15 was another volatile day with a strong downside that substantially recovered during the day.  On Wed and Thurs a floor in the market seemed to have been set and a strong up day occurred on Friday Oct 17.  It looks like the start of a V-shaped recovery although I don’t expect a clean V, rather volatility as well as lateral movement until the marker resumes its bullish trajectory.

In prayer today on Sat Oct 18, I heard “5 days” related to the market in general as well as the hint I should pray more and not assume “5 days” refers only to the market but might, also, relate to specific stock(s).  I’ve asked the Lord that when I hear days they be consistent, such as “after 5 days, then…” vs. “within 5 days.”  Given my experience where the market rebounded “after” 2 days, not “within”, I assumed – and also confirmed later in my prayer – something significant and positive after 5 days from Sat Oct 18, which would be after Oct 23.  And days are simply days.  Not specific kind of days (e.g. “business days”).  So 5 days means after Thurs Oct 23.

My girlfriend believes those who will be successful in this market must pick the right stocks.  Those who don’t pick stocks well (see recent fall of NFLX) are getting taken to the woodshed.  In my spirit I’m bullish on BABA in particular and also FB and GILD, all three which she recommended to me.  (Disclosure: I bought BABA Leaps on Mon Oct 20.)

Also, in my spirit I’ve been meditating on the strong dollar.  If you read some pundits, you will understand that countries generally prefer weaker currencies and there are “currency wars” that are speculated and observed by many writers including John Mauldin.  You can get Mauldin’s free newsletter here: http://www.mauldineconomics.com/subscribe.  My girlfriend likes Scott Minard: http://guggenheimpartners.com/perspectives.  My understanding is both John Mauldin and Scott Minard are Christians.

Months ago before I knew the dollar was strengthening, I sensed not to worry about higher interest rates.  I sensed the US would muddle along at least for the next two or three years and much higher interest rates would not occur for two reasons: (1) God is foiling the central bankers who want higher rates not to help the middle class job market or salaries of the middle class but the wealthy as well as to line the pockets of banksters and (2) as the economy muddles along and as QE fails to do create job growth or salary growth but only inflates the stock market and other assets, the Fed will not risk pulling the lever on interest rates because the economy will be too vulnerable to a shock of higher interest rates.  In essence, I’m prophesying don’t worry about higher interest rates for 2 or 3 years.  Yes, the prime rate may notch up a tad, but I see it being modest over the next 2 years, under a 1.5% increase, likely under 1%. Christians have time to get their economic houses in better order without worrying of a meltdown either in the stock market or in the housing market.  Will there be corrections, yes?  But what I see is God foiling the ways of this world.  There will be opportunities to make money based on low interest rates and the rising stock market.  If you are looking to make money on a black swan event or market meltdown, it’s not going to happen in a severe way the next two years.  If you can time corrections, bravo and I wish I had your acumen.  In the meantime, I will be looking to pick up high growth stocks on the volatile dips.

Update as of September 8, 2015:

I happened to read this prophecy from a year ago.  I usually forget any prophecies I receive because they are coming from a different place, a spiritual place that is inspired.  I believe reasons (1) and (2) are very applicable today.  And these sentences also speak to my spirit, "Christians have time to get their economic houses in better order without worrying of a meltdown either in the stock market or in the housing market.  Will there be corrections, yes?  But what I see is God foiling the ways of this world.  There will be opportunities to make money based on low interest rates and the rising stock market.  If you are looking to make money on a black swan event or market meltdown, it’s not going to happen in a severe way the next two years [i.e. through middle of 2016]."

October 26, 2014 Bye Bye Bears & Low Interest Rates

Months ago before I knew the dollar was strengthening, I sensed not to worry about higher interest rates.  I sensed the US would muddle along at least for the next two or three years and much higher interest rates would not occur for two reasons: (1) God is foiling the central bankers who want higher rates not to help the middle class job market or salaries of the middle class but the wealthy as well as to line the pockets of banksters and (2) as the economy muddles along and as QE fails to do create job growth or salary growth but only inflates the stock market and other assets, the Fed will not risk pulling the lever on interest rates because the economy will be too vulnerable to a shock of higher interest rates.  In essence, I’m prophesying don’t worry about higher interest rates for 2 or 3 years.  Yes, the prime rate may notch up a tad, but I see it being modest over the next 2 years, under a 1.5% increase, likely under 1%. Christians have time to get their economic houses in better order without worrying of a meltdown either in the stock market or in the housing market.  Will there be corrections, yes?  But what I see is God foiling the ways of this world.  There will be opportunities to make money based on low interest rates and the rising stock market.  If you are looking to make money on a black swan event or market meltdown, it’s not going to happen in a severe way the next two years.  If you can time corrections, bravo and I wish I had your acumen.  In the meantime, I will be looking to pick up high growth stocks on the volatile dips.