October 19, 2011

Underwater homes will begin emerging in 3 years

I had a very clear vision a few days ago of the Lord’s hands cupping a submerged home under water, I’m estimating ten or twenty feet, under an ocean’s surface but this is a vague guess. I saw the home gently rock left to right in his hands, as if moving with the rocking ocean. Then I could see people inside the home, there was light and air inside and they were enjoying their family life. They were living under water as if in a submarine home. The Lord never let go of holding and cupping the home under water. Then I saw the water level start to lower and brighter sunlight radiate above. I saw a large, distinct number three appear over the home, which I immediately understood to be three years, the top of the three stuck a little out of the water. Then the waters lowered slowly and the roof of the home emerged into air. I had the impression not all homes that have been underwater will emerge in three years but that is the beginning, when the waters that have submerged homes will begin lowering and eventually, over time, disappearing.

I heard this today in seeking more clarity from the Lord,
“In 3 years what has been submerged will begin to emerge. This is a comfort to trust in Me to keep you in your home with air to spare and you will live as if not under water. Breathe and live and know I am holding you in the palms of My hands.”

An image that immediately came to mind after I wrote the above is the following scripture. I had not remembered this event covered three days. I believe the number “three” is not a coincidence:

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness will spread over Egypt--darkness that can be felt.” So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days. No one could see anyone else or leave his place for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived. Exodus 10:21-23 (NIV)

Update as of October 27, 2013 10:00am:
This prophecy, given as the market was declining and a half a year before the national real estate market fell to new lows, is already starting to come to pass this year. I took hope from the prophecy that real estate values would begin recovering from being underwater in a relatively short time frame of 3 years, by fall 2014, despite the widespread carnage of values nationally. Please note the prophecy stated, “what has been submerged will begin to emerge,” thus, it is not a promise that every single underwater home will emerge.  It is a promise, however, of a recovery and restoration for many if they hold on and trust in the Lord, “This is a comfort to trust in Me to keep you in your home with air to spare and you will live as if not under water. Breathe and live and know I am holding you in the palms of My hands.”

The S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index showed, “as of May 2013, average home prices across the United States are back to their spring 2004 levels…. The recovery from the March 2012 lows is 15.9% and 16.5% for the 10-City and 20-City Composites.”

Zillow writes in their August 20, 2013 press release, “All 30 of the largest metro areas covered by Zillow registered both monthly and annual appreciation in July, and all have hit their bottom and are expected to show appreciation in the next 12 months.”

Update as of November 22, 2013:

“Fast-paced price increases have helped bring many underwater homeowners afloat. In the third quarter, 1.4 million homeowners rose to the surface as their home values once again outranked their equity…. The negative equity rate now stands at 21 percent, down about one-third from its peak of 31.4 percent.”

Update as of October 18, 2014: 

I thought it time for an update since it is 3 years from this prophecy.  “According to the second quarter Zillow Negative Equity Report, the national negative equity rate continued to decline in Q2 2014, falling to 17 percent, down 14.4 percentage points from its peak (31.4 percent) in the first quarter of 2012. Negative equity has fallen for nine consecutive quarters as home values have risen.”  Negative equity, aka homes under water, have fallen from 31.4 percent to 17 percent, almost half the homes have emerged from being under water. 

Update as of September 8, 2015: 

The word I received from the Lord on October 19, 2011 said that “In 3 years what has been submerged will begin to emerge” and I commented, “I had the impression not all homes that have been underwater will emerge in three years but that is the beginning, when the waters that have submerged homes will begin lowering and eventually, over time, disappearing.”

Here is a telling graph from Zillow that the percentage of negative equity (i.e. underwater homes) actually stayed high between 30% and 31% about 9 more months from October 2011 through the first half of 2012 (as nationwide home prices were still declining in value).  The percentage of negative equity homes didn’t start dropping substantially until the second half of 2012.  Negative equity (underwater homes) have declined from about 31% of all homes at the time of the October 2011 prophecy to 14.4% recently in the second quarter of 2015.  This Zillow chart shows the prophecy coming to pass.  God is good!