December 23, 2011


For 2012 I see the market continuing its progress towards the DOW at 14,000. Towards 14,000 is the overall trend upwards and longer than a year according to what I heard from the Lord. I also see continued volatility, as in 2011, with a major dip in the first few months of 2012. Beyond that is a bit of a blur but I see an overall gently-sloping and bumpy upward trend. It is still the Little Engine That Could market, chug, chug, chugging along.

Below please find a few past prophecies that remain alive for 2012 regarding no market crashes so no catastrophes or major bear market, the US will defy sovereign debt crises, sifting of political leaders and then business leaders, Dagon has fallen, etc.:

You will see many of my prophecies may conflict with other published prophecies out there, sometimes 180 degrees. For more on my views about conflicting prophecies:

Update as of February 1, 2013 10:30am: 
The January 3, 2011 “Dow to 14,000” prophecy was fulfilled today, the DOW reached 14,000.See:

Please understand that when this prophecy was given about two years ago, the Dow had closed at 11,577.  Also, it had not broken above 11,600 since before the crash in 2008.   Throughout 2011 and 2012, there were numerous naysayers predicting collapse of America’s economy into another recession or depression.  There were those predicting an unraveling of the world’s global economy.  Neither happened.  And the Dow did chug, chug, chug along like that little engine that could.  It rose an impressive 21% in just two years, just like the Lord said on January 3, 2011, “Watch 14,000. Not soon, longer than a year. But that little blue engine with a noble heart chugged, chugged, chugged on. So no catastrophic crashes, no flash floods in the market.”

Where from here?  On towards 15,000.  See my August 21, 2012 tweet, “A few days ago saw in a vision DOW going to 15K after 14K. As approached 15K, sharp drop like a knife to ~12K. Saw same vision again today.” Also see my December 12, 2012 blog post:

I need to add that based on current, somewhat fuzzy visions I have of the Dow after it approaches 15,000 (please know it may not reach 15,000 but will be close), it will drop to the 13,000s and maybe not to the 12,000s.  I don’t have clarity on the extent of the drop.  However, it will be a sharp and strong correction.

Update as of April 15, 2013 11:30 am:  
I realize I was not clear in saying the DOW may correct into the 13,000s rather than into the 12,000s.  What I saw in the initial 2 repetitive visions 8 months ago in August 2012 (when the DOW was about 13,300) was a sharp correction into the 12,000s after the DOW approaches 15,000.  But later, after prayer, my understanding was it may correct into the low 13,000s instead, thus below 13,500.  The DOW rose to within 113 points of 15,000 a few days ago on April 11, 2013.  Based on the two August 2012 visions of the DOW approaching 15,000 and then sharply correcting, the correction might happen any day now.  Of course, the DOW may level out for a couple weeks before it sharply corrects, I do not know.  My gut feel based on the original repetitive visions in August 2012 and subsequent prayer the last few months (please know this part is not prophecy but my gut feel after prayer) is the DOW will correct to the range of 12,800 to 13,400.

Update as of July 31, 2013 1:00 pm:
The knife-life drop in the stock market which I saw and anticipated did not happen. So I believe the vision I saw was not from the Lord but from my imagination. We all have imagination. Differentiating between seeing through the filter of our imagination and seeing what the Lord sees through the pure vision from His Spirit takes spiritual sensitivity and discernment. Unless we are perfect, we make mistakes as I did. Making a mistake is an opportunity to do what is more important: seeking first intimacy with Him and love of others, which is His kingdom. In the clarity and quiet stillness of His Spirit, we will see, hear, and understand all He wants us to know and move beyond mistakes.